
Get to know me.

Daria Milas, I pronounce it like DAH-RI-UH and MY-LISS, but everyone says it differently.

Where do you work?
As of January 2024, I work for the Charleston Regional Development Alliance. I help spread the word about how wonderful it is to live and work in the region.

Did you go to school?
Yes, I did! I earned a BFA with a focus in Visual Communication Design with a minor in Printmaking at the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford in Connecticut. As a working professional designer, I thought (and still do think) it’s important to be educated in both digital and traditional forms of media.

Where are you from?
Born and raised in New Jersey. I spent the majority of my life living in the Garden State before moving away to Hartford, Connecticut to earn my degree. Shortly after graduating in 2015, I moved to New York City and began my professional career. I lived in the heart of Hell’s Kitchen (yes, I’ve heard the Daredevil references) for a few years before moving back to my home state. I have since traded the skyscrapers for Palmetto trees and currently live in South Carolina where I continue to successfully work hybridly.

What else do you like to do?
Outside of the traditional 9 to 5, I have been pursuing my other passion of physical fitness. I earned my personal training certification with a focus on strength and conditioning back in 2021 and began training clients at Crunch Fitness in 2022. My goal is to build the strongest version of myself through resistance training, and I aim to do the same for others. Please feel free to use my “Contact” page to inquire more about personal training as well!

Any other interests?
Graphic design and powerlifting aside, I am a self-proclaimed big nerd with a passionate love for the game of ice hockey. A personal bucket list item is to attend a game in every major NHL arena throughout the U.S. (so far I’ve hit over half of them!) At every game I attend, I purchase a miniature hockey stick for my collection.

What are some of your most notable projects?
The GoodData Corporation Rebrand
The Walking Dead Wine Series
The Outlander Wine Series (Part 1 and Part 2)
The Lord of the Rings Wine Series
Save the Mermaids Pela Case
I Got the Dog: A Memoir of Rising Cover Design

Can I see your résumé?
I’m glad you asked …